February 23rd, 2017

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If you are transitioning your aging parents to seniors housing in Kamloops, these are some tips to help them adjust to assisted living. Making a big change can be hard at first, but a senior’s home in Kamloops can be the best option for making your loved ones comfortable and socially engaged while accommodating their personal mobility needs.

Here are some ways you can transition your aging parents to an assisted living facility:

Review pamphlets and websites ahead of time so your parents have an idea of what to expect. The concept of assisted living may have a negative connotation, but dispelling concerns through photos and testimonials may help warm them up to the idea if they are initially resistant.

Arrange for a guided tour to let them see the facility for themselves, in person. It’s one thing to read about a place or to see photos, but it’s another to experience it firsthand. Take a look around together, share your impressions and discuss any concerns with staff and existing residents as you explore. Visiting a facility will give you a better sense of its culture and overall vibe.

Involve your parents in the decision making process as much as possible when considering their facility. If there are multiple options that meet their needs and available budget, take their preferences into consideration. Engage them actively in conversation and participate in weighing the pros and cons of the choices presented. Solutions reached collaboratively are easiest to buy into and will be embraced more readily and with more enthusiasm.

Involve your parents in the decision making process as much as possible when considering their facility. If there are multiple options that meet their needs and available budget, take their preferences into consideration. Engage them actively in conversation and participate in weighing the pros and cons of the choices presented. Solutions reached collaboratively are easiest to buy into and will be embraced more readily and with more enthusiasm.

Turning Your Assisted Living Space Into Your Home

Additionally, there are a number of ways to make an assisted living space feel like home. Here are 10.

Ways to make a residential care space feel like Home.

1. Bring momentos and cherished belongings for decorating, like favourite pieces of framed art and Christmas decorations
2. Bring pillows and bedspreads that feel familiar
3. Shelving and cabinets that can store photos albums and other treasures should be considered
4. New items like a flat screened TV or sofa may help make the transition to a new space feel fresh
5. Adding seating for visitors as well as glasses or treats that they can offer to guests and new friends
6. If you can, store some of their personal items offsite so that you can rotate them if necessary
7. If there is a favourite piece of furniture like a chair or hutch, try to incorporate it into their new space
8. Incorporate their hobbies into the space like bringing a sound system for music or shelving for plants
9. Providing an Ipad or mobile device may be a great way to help them keep in touch with loved ones
10. Referring to their new space as home can help to ease the transition

These handy tips should help your parents get used to their new environment in a supportive way. Transitioning aging parents can be challenging, but Kamloops assisted living options can be great for keeping your loved ones safe, happy and as independent as possible.

At the Hamlets at Westsyde in Kamloops, our staff is committed to offering comfort and care while your elders make the transition to assisted living.
